Tuesday 14 December 2010

Target Audience

Short film mostly do not have a relevant or a particular target audience, the reason for this is that short films aren’t watch by a huge number of people and therefore cannot base a target audience on it. Even though a short film is still a film to watch, we rarely see it been shown in cinemas, due to the fact that it’s a short film, therefore not many people will wont to pay to watch these types of film, due to its low cost and short of nature. Normally when short films are shown in a cinema it is accompanied by the main film.

Although short films aren’t usually shown in cinemas, you would find it in film festivals and other events in the media industry. These short films are watched by film buffs and people wealthy (social class A and B) that can afford to pay money to watch these films. Some audience may watch short films on the internet, example like YouTube, vast majority of people watch short films on there, and I personally watch some short films such as Black Button and Hole on You Tube. You Tube now also has a feature that shows you the audience from different part of the world watching the video, therefore you could see the age range and people that watched a video on YouTube. Picture below shows the gender and age of how many people watched the black hole and where the video was most popularly watched.

Potential Target Audience

Having research and looked into target audience of a short film, Our target audience for our short film will be social class B, mainly males and lifestyles of Aspirers, Resigned and, Strugglers, due to the fact that the can relate to film as its about a fairly wealthy guy who gets his car stolen and ended up being killed. Also the reason for this is because male audience will find the blood and fight scene amusing and entertaining, where as females would find it a little bit disturbing. The age range will be from 16-25, due to the fact that the film doesn’t have much violence in it, therefore fairly suitable for 16 years and above, although this is our prediction, some people above 25 may watch the our film

Monday 6 December 2010

Friday 3 December 2010

Review Page 4 Walk in the Park

These are some of the ideas for our Review page, the lay out and text that is going to go in to it

Reseach of Ideas and Layouts for Review Page

I have started looking at some of the review pages on some films, although these review pages are made for movies, it has given me some ideas on how to write and layout the review page for walk in the park.

This is one of the review page of the film allie, its only got two picutes, one big one and a small one with text around it, the layout of the review is simple, while the fonts is clearly visuable.

Twillight review page is very different from the Alie review page above, On Twillight review page you can see that the image is on the side corner of the page and has only one picture, therefore it gives you room to write more about the film.

Although both review pages are different, they have got some similarities such as the font size, and the text is layed out in columns and rows.

Monday 29 November 2010

More Ideas 4 Posters

These are some more ideas we have on the table, trying to see how this goes

Ancillary Text: Posters

My group and I have so many ideas of what the poster of our short film is goin to look, we cannot decide what we should do for a poster, so I research on some movie posters that relates to our film 'ghost & Murderers to help us decide what we could do for our poster.

Some of the posters I looked at is Ghost, the poster shows two of the main characters, with the ghost faded at the back and the guy looking guilty infront. i Think this idea relates to our short as the attacker would look gulity and uncomfortable for killing someone for a material thing, with the ghost at the back of him willl show that his always not alone, but the victim he killed will always follow him. I also looked at Ghost Writer Poster, this also had two of the main characters in the the posters one of the character has got his hands in his pocket with a face expression signifying he hasn't done anything, but on the there's another character looking at him as he walks by, this signifies that he has done something wrong and he his be watched.